Hey guys. Have you tried kernel 3.10 on your Linux? Well, I'm trying now. And this morning, I got a little bit frustrated after a failur...
[FIX] Script metasploit is broken: missing end of LSB comment
If you have seen this issue after you try to install something, simply do this to fix it. First, find out what is your metasploit init scrip...
SQUID LUSCA HEAD Installer Alpha 1 Has Been Released!
Last week, I decide to made simple bash script to install SQUID LUSCA HEAD automatically. After 3 - 4 days work hardly to finish it, today I...
Trapping CTRL C in Bash Scripting
Hey guys... I wanna share something with shell scripting. In this case, my shell is bash which you can find on any Linux platform. So,...
Site Updated 31st May
I've been updated this site. So you may wonder, what's new? Alright, I'll explain you. I decide to adding Syntax Highlighter in ...
How To Launch BSOD Attack to Windows
Hey guys.... Missing me? I mean, do you missing penetration testing tutorial? It's been a long time I don't post about penetration t...
Updating John The Ripper on Kali Linux
This morning, I was surprise a little bit with my John The Ripper version. Command : root@kali : ~ # john | grep version | awk {...
Install NVIDIA Driver for Kali Linux
These steps will guide you to install NVIDIA driver on Kali Linux (any architecture).
Installing Flash Player 11 for Chromium Browser
So, you don't have Flash Player for your chormium-browser? Then you're coming to the right place. I'll tell you how to install F...
Apt Source List Kali Linux
So, you don't know Kali Linux's repository? You're coming to the right place. I'll tell you source.list for Kali Linux. ro...
Great news! After 3 months of researching, our team has found critical vulnerability that found on Windows 7 and Windows 8. This shellcode w...
Bash Scripting Tutorial [Basic]
Selamat datang di bagian pemrograman! Kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai pemrograman bash aka Bash Scripting. Bash tidaklah sulit. Anda ha...
To Do After Installing Kali Linux 1.0 [Upgrade Package]
Kali linux has released! Beberapa laporan mengatakan, ada sekitar 40 ribu orang yang mendownload Kali Linux dalam satu minggu sejak dirilisn...
Upgrade John The Ripper to 1.7.9-jumbo-7
Pagi ini saya mulai dengan mengecek versi John The Ripper. Ternyata ada update dari repository. Langsung saja saya lakukan upgrade. Setelah ...
Debian Package for LUSCA HEAD R14809
Instalasi LUSCA HEAD bisa dilakukan secara manual. Anda dapat membacanya di sini . Baru baru ini saya telah membuat paket debian. Sehingga ...
Debian Package for Ettercap
Banyak yang mengeluh masalah installasi untuk ettercap versi ini. Pasalnya terjadi error ketika proses konfigurasi cource code. Jika pada ta...
NMAP 6.25-1 Released!
Sebenarnya kamu bisa menginstall nmap versi 6.25-1 dengan cara manual. Yaitu dengan cara mendownload source code nya, kemudian compile sourc...
[FIX] flashplugin-installer Return To 404
Semua pengguna backtrack pasti ingin menonton video secara online di internet. Aktivitas ini tentu saja membutuhkan browser dan Adobe Flash ...
[DNS Caching] Hellish Speed DNS Response
Pada postingan sebelumnya, kita telah membahas mengenai SQUID Caching. Dimana Squid akan menyimpan semua cache yang kemudian akan dipakai la...
Fixing SSLSniff Problem : Host Not Found (authoritative)
Sebelum saya menjelaskan cara memperbaiki error ini, saya akan menjelaskan apa itu SSLSnif. SSLsnif adalah tools interceptor, yang mampu mem...
Installing Arachni On Backtrack 5
Arachni? Mungkin beberapa dari anda belum pernah mendengar ini. Arachni adalah tools penetration testing purpose dalam hal web vulnerability...
[Introduction] Damn Vulnerable Web App - DVWA
Kali ini kita akan mencoba hal baru. Sebelumnya kita telah mempelajari OS Vulnerable by Design. Dimana pentester diuji keahliannya untuk mer...